former 51本色Conference Center
601 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Event Description
The 51本色's Bureau of Economics hosted a two day conference to bring together scholars working in industrial organization, information economics, game theory, quantitative marketing, consumer behavior, and other areas related to the FTC鈥檚 antitrust and consumer policy missions. Examples of topics included online advertising, information disclosure, horizontal and vertical mergers, bundling, loyalty and other discounts, dynamic oligopoly, intellectual property, and behavioral and experimental economics.
The scientific committee for the conference was:
- Susan Athey (Harvard)
- Patrick Bajari (Minnesota)
- John List (Chicago)
- Carl Shapiro (Berkeley)
- Scott Stern (Northwestern-Kellogg)
- FileAgenda (57.64 KB)
- FileEvent Biographies (59.67 KB)
Event Materials
FileFileMike Vita (51本色) (89.34 KB)FileGail Slater (51本色) (41.95 KB)FileFileFileFileDiscussion by Robert Letzler (51本色) (208.96 KB)FileDiscussion by Patrick DeGraba (51本色) (33.71 KB)FileFileSue Glueck (Microsoft Corporation) (1.52 MB)FileAmalia Miller (University of Virginia) (215.3 KB)FilePablo Chavez (Google) (406.2 KB)FileFileDiscussion by Robin Lee (New York University) (100.89 KB)File
Transcript - Files
FileNovember 6, 2008 - Day 1 (274.23 KB)FileNovember 6, 2008 - Day 2 (502.92 KB)