Constitution Center
400 7th St SW
Event Description
The 51本色's Bureau of Economics hosted a two-day conference to bring together scholars working in areas related to the FTC鈥檚 antitrust, consumer protection, and public policy missions.
The scientific committee for the conference is:
- Steven Berry (Yale University)
- Jonathan Zinman (Dartmouth College)
- Igal Hendel (Northwestern University)
Organizers: Ted Rosenbaum (FTC) and Nathan Wilson (FTC)
The conference program will run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 2, and 9:00 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. on Friday, November 3. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m.
This conference is sponsored by the 51本色鈥檚 Bureau of Economics and Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. The 51本色conference organizers are Ted Rosenbaum and Nathan Wilson.
Peter Nguon
Thursday, November 2
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Mike Vita (51本色)9:15 a.m.
Paper Session - Chaired by Jonathan Zinman (Dartmouth College)
Charles Murry (Penn State University) with Gary Biglaiser, Fei Li, and Yiyi Zhou,
Middlemen as Information Intermediaries: Evidence from Used Car Markets
Discussant: Tobias Salz (Columbia University)Maryam Saeedi (Carnegie Mellon University) with Xiang Hui, Giancarlo Spagnolo, and Steve Tadelis, Certification, Reputation and Entry: An Empirical Analysis
Discussant: TBDMatthew Mitchell (University of Toronto), Free (Ad)vice
Discussant: Ginger Jin (University of Maryland)11:15 a.m.
11:35 a.m
Keynote Address, "Modeling Behavioral Consumers: New Evidence, New Tools"
Jonathan Zinman (Dartmouth College)12:10 p.m.
Sponsored by the Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth12:40 p.m.
Panel: 鈥Cross Market鈥 Provider Mergers 鈥 Chaired by Keith Brand (FTC)
- Matthew Lewis (Clemson University)
- Marty Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz)
- Matthew Schmitt (UCLA, Anderson)
- Gregory Vistnes (Charles River Associates)
1:40 p.m Break 2:00 p.m. Paper Session 鈥 Chaired By Igal Hendel (Northwestern University)
Paolo Ramezzana (FTC), Contracting, Exclusivity and the Formation of Supply Networks with Downstream Competition
Discussant: Ali Yurukoglu (Stanford GSB)Michael Geruso (UT Austin) with Timothy Layton, and Daniel Prinz, Screening in Contract Design: Evidence from the ACA Health Insurance Exchanges
Discussant: Sebasti谩n Fleitas (University of Leuven)Fernando Luco (Texas A&M) with Guillermo Marshall, Vertical Integration with Multiproduct Firms: When Eliminating Double Marginalization May Hurt Consumers
Discussant: Andrew Sweeting (University of Maryland)4:00 p.m. Break 4:20 p.m. Keynote Address, 鈥淗ealth Insurance Market Design鈥
Igal Hendel (Northwestern University)
4:55 p.m. Hors d鈥檕euvres Reception
Sponsored by the Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic GrowthFriday, November 3
9:00 a.m.
Paper Session 鈥 Chaired by Steven Berry (Yale University)
Vivek Bhattacharya (Northwestern University), An Empirical Model of R&D Procurement Contests: An Analysis of the DOD SBIR Program
Discussant: Elena Krasnokutskaya (JHU)Allan Collard-Wexler (Duke University) with John Asker and Jan De Loecker, Market Power and Product (Mis)Allocation: A Study of the World Oil Market and OPEC
Discussant: TBDJihye Jeon (Boston University), Learning and Investment under Demand Uncertainty in Container Shipping
Discussant: Allan Collard-Wexler (Duke University)11:00 a.m.
11:20 a.m.
Keynote Address, "Market Structure and Competition, Redux"
Steven Berry (Yale University)12:05 p.m.
Panel: Privacy and Data Security 鈥 Chaired by Doug Smith (FTC)
- Frank Nagle (University of Southern California, Marshall)
- Sasha Romanosky (Rand Corporation)
- Rahul Telang (Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz)
- Liad Wagman (Illinois Institute of Technology, Stuart)
1:05 p.m.
FileConference Agenda (243.08 KB)
Event Materials
File"Free (Ad)vice" - Matthew Mitchell (725.98 KB)File"Free (Ad)vice" Presentation by Matthew Mitchell (671.88 KB)File"Free (Ad)vice" Discussion by Ginger Jin (348.8 KB)FileFileFileCall for Papers (69.95 KB)